To visit the section of this website devoted to passage of "THE EDMONSON AMENDMENT" in 2014, CLICK HERE.
(LSPC -- in reverse chronological order)
November 9, 2021 (cancelled).
October 14, 2021
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 3.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 4.
September 30, 2021
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 3.
August 12, 2021 (cancelled)
July 8, 2021 (Note: Audio only due to Sound Off's founder's mother's imminent passing -- recording is actually a double-recording of the meeting -- i.e. the length is double the length of the actual meeting).
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 3.
Sound Off Louisiana pre-meeting feature # 4.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 3.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 4.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 5.
Sound Off Louisiana post-meeting feature # 6.
June 10, 2021 (Cancelled).
May 13, 2021(Note: Meeting was comprised almost entirely of an appeal by former LSP Lt. Sheldon Perkins).
Sound Off Louisiana pre meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 3.
April 8, 2021
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature 3.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature 4.
March 11, 2021
Sound Off Louisiana pre meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1. (Note: This feature began a chain reaction of features locally, state-wide, nationally, and even internationally entailing LSP troopers bragging via texts of administering a beating to a black arrestee.)
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
February 11, 2021.
Sound Off Louisiana pre meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 3.
January 14, 2021.
Sound Off Louisiana pre meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature
December 10, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana feature # 2.
November 11, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana pre meeting feature.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 3.
October 8, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 1.
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
September 10, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting feature # 1. (Note: This feature began a chain reaction of features locally, state-wide, nationally, and even internationally entailing LSP secrecy concerning the in-custody death of Ronald Greene).
Sound Off Louisiana post meeting feature # 2.
August 13, 2020 (Cancelled).
July 9, 2020.
July 9, 2020 (exclusive of Sgt. John Trahan's appeal hearing/a>, which was covered by Sound Off Louisiana
June 11, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting.
May 14, 2020 (Cancelled).
April 9, 2020 (Cancelled).
March 24, 2020 (dealt with COVID provisions only).
March 12, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana feature pre meeting.
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting.
February 13, 2020.
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting.
January 9, 2020 (Cancelled).
December 12, 2019 (deemed too inconsequential to justify attendance and videotaping).
November 14, 2019 (Cancelled).
October 10, 2019
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting.
September 12, 2019
August 28, 2019
August 8, 2019 (deemed too inconsequential to justify attendance and videotaping).
July 11, 2019 (Cancelled).
June 13, 2019 (Cancelled).
May 23, 2019 (deemed too inconsequential to justify attendance and videotaping).
April 11, 2019 (Cancelled).
March 14, 2019 (deemed too inconsequential to justify attendance and videotaping).
February 14, 2019.
Sound Off Louisiana feature post meeting.
January 10, 2019.
Sound Off Louisiana feature # 1 post meeting.
Sound Off Louisiana feature # 2 post meeting.
Advocate feature post meeting.
December 13, 2018.
November 8, 2018.
October 11, 2018 (Cancelled).
September 13, 2018 (Cancelled).
Special Presentation: "Vegas Four" Decision and Appeal of Trooper Joseph Jones, Monroe, Louisiana: August 9, 2018
August 9, 2018 (Monroe, LA): Decision rendered on "Vegas Four" and Joseph Jones appeal hearing. Also, apparent fallout directed at LSPC Member Jeffrey Foss from his vote on the Jones matter.
Special Presentation: "Vegas Four" Appeal Hearings: July 11, 12, 13, and 16, 2018
July 11, 2018: LSTA attorney Floyd Falcon stresses that Edmonson's testimony can't be trusted in emphasizing he desired "Ford Expedition at his beck and call and a driver in San Diego."
July 12, 2018: Major David McClendon emphasizes that, if Edmondson approved Las Vegas side trip, his disciplinary action "would have to be revisited."
July 13, 2018: LSTA attorney Floyd Falcon accuses LSP Col. Kevin Reeves of "violating sequestration order."
July 16, 2018: Troopers Hyatt, Williams, and Miller state their cases that they've been used as scapegoats for Edmonson's directives, while retired Trooper Leon "Bucky" Millet calls for criminal investigation.
June 14, 2018
Sound Off
Louisiana feature post meeting.
Advocate article post meeting.
May 10, 2018
This video was supplied by the LSPC itself, and they experienced some technical
difficulties. Here is a copy and past of Executive Director Jason Hannaman's
statement entailing those difficulties:
"Due to a technical issue, video
becomes out of sync and eventually stops unexpectedly, but video capture does
resume. Using the backup audio-only file (readily
available here), the missing meeting testimony footage is between
1:42:00 and 2:03:48."
NOTE: Because the above video is taken with a 360 camera, the size and are diminished. Accordingly, it's recommended viewers utilize "full screen mode" (available by clicking on the square button at the lower-right of the video).
April 12, 2018
March 8, 2018
Sound Off Louisiana Post Meeting Article
February 8, 2018
Sound Off Louisiana Article Post Meeting
January 11, 2018
Advocate article on lawsuit filed by former Executive Director Cathy Derbonne
Sound Off Louisiana feature on lawsuit filed by former Executive Director Cathy Derbonne
December 14, 2017
Sound Off Louisiana post emphasizing continuing to
punt on suing T. Taylor Townsend
Special Presentation: December 4, 2017
Col. Kevin Reeves addresses Baton Rouge Press Club
CLICK HERE for 10 independent segments of the 11/9/17 meeting.
November 9, 2017
October 13, 2017
(Cancelled due to the
disgraceful video footage obtained
above hours after the August 10, 2017
meeting leading to the
quick resignations of Chairman T. J. Doss and Vice
Monica Manzella, thereby causing an inability to convene a quorum).
September 8, 2017
(Cancelled due to the
disgraceful video footage obtained
above hours after the August 10, 2017
meeting leading to the
quick resignations of Chairman T. J. Doss and Vice
Monica Manzella, thereby causing an inability to convene a quorum).
August 10, 2017
Sound Off Louisiana's feature covering the Zurik feature to include Sound Off video footage.
Click Here for the feature entailing Jared Riecke's suitability to serve on the Commission.
June 8, 2017
May 9, 2017
April 23, 2017
Advocate Post-Meeting Article
March 9, 2017
Advocate Pre-Meeting Article
The Advocate Post-Meeting Article on Commissioner Breaux's Resignation.
February 22, 2017
(Special Meeting to Narrow
Field of Candidates
to Replace Former Executive Director Cathy Derbonne --
Hannaman was ultimately selected).
February 20,
2017 Meeting Highlights
[Meeting essentially collapsed due to questions
entailing whether
Member Grafton's resignation was official or not. To
see him provide his VERBAL
resignation along with other highlights of the
2/9/17 meeting,
February 9, 2017
The Advocate Article of the Meeting
January 12, 2017
The Advocate Article of the Meeting
WAFB (Channel 9) Coverage of the Meeting
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