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August 19, 2014


Gov. Jindal makes his FIRST public statement on the matter.  Here are a few observations:


===>  Edmonson:  “I was not comfortable with the process."  Oh, really?  Sure sounds like he was VERY comfortable with it (listen from 0:50 mark).


===> Jindal (via Mike Reed, Press Secretary):  "We did not know the legislation affected only two people.  The Legislature shouldn't have handled this issue this way.  We think they (legislators) should fix it next session."  Oh, really?  Col. Edmonson stated (listen to this audio of Col Edmonson of 7/21/14) that he and his staff knew full well this legislation affected ONLY Edmonson and "the other trooper." So, either Mike Reed is lying on behalf of Jindal or else Jindal's own lapdog LSP Colonel and his staff were not forthright with even Gov. Jindal's office about this legislation.  Take your pick!! 



WOW!!  What a statement!  The "Legislature" (98.6% of whom, by my count, HAD NO CLUE what was being crammed down their throats in the last hours of the session) "should not have handled this issue this way."  If I were a legislator, I would be FURIOUS at such a quote (especially given that there's a 97% chance the whole initiative originated from Gov. Jindal), and I would imagine they are justifiably incensed by it!

So what that it only affected two people????  Would it have been any less unconstitutional had if affected 15?  This is typical Jindal spin desperately trying to appear that Jindal has no culpability when everybody knows he originated this measure as a reward to his loyal lapdog LSP Colonel for 6 1/2 years, Col. Mike Edmonson, who, lest we forget, when this whole scandal broke said, "I never asked for this!"

So, given that Edmonson did NOT ask for this windfall, where the hell did it come from?  We all know the answer to that question (which substantiates Reed is almost assuredly lying on the quote above):  the 4th floor of the capitol, and THAT is why Gov. Jindal has stayed silent on the matter for so long and why he favors a Legislative solution, which will take the matter out of the immediate news for eight months or so and minimize the chance he'll be ensnarled in yet another scandalous episode of his tenure (this one with potential criminal implications).


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