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At this point in the corruption play, feel free to grab some popcorn.  It's intermission time.  Before proceeding on to the next scene, however, take 15-seconds to watch this intermission appeal from C. B. Forgotston which began airing on the Moon Griffon Show on Friday, August 22, 2014:




C. B. Forgotston's Appeal for Taxpayers to Urge Legislators
to Litigate SB-294 (Act 859) a/k/a the "Edmonson Amendment"
to Have it Declared Unconstitutional in 19th JDC

Additional commentary from C. B.:


What are they hiding?

There's only one reason why Bobby Jindal, the Leges, the State Police Retirement System and Dork Dynasty refuse to litigate. They are afraid of the legal process of discovery.  Obviously, Jindal, Edmonson and the leges have a lot to hide. Testifying under oath and producing documents often brings out the truth.

Please contract your leges and help circulate the ad to others in LA. The ad is scheduled to run for an indefinite period.



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