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Chronological Video Archive of Louisiana State Police
Retirement Board Regular Meetings





February 17, 2016








October 21, 2015

Burns obtains an estimate of the cost of the pay raises 
on the LSP Unfunded Accrued Liability from Charles Hall,
who was clearly uncomfortable in front of a camera.
Hall ultimately pegged the future estimated cost at $45 million.
($370 million - $325 million, as he explains in the video).
The Edmonson amendment and these pay raises formed the basis
for the first entry in the JBEfraud website.







February 18, 2015


(Only five members were in attendance.
Therefore a quorum could not be declared,
thus forcing the board to merely "go through the motions,"
and not take formal actions on any agenda items).









December 17, 2014







October 15, 2014







September 4, 2014 (special meeting on Edmonson Amendment)







July 15, 2014 (Edmonson Amendment ONLY)



LSP Retirement System Executive Director Irwin Felps placed this item on the Board's agenda
to provide added transparency to what may have transpired regarding SB-294.
Louisiana State Treasurer John Kennedy addresses the LSP Retirement System Board
relaying his concerns and outlining his desired investigative aspects into what transpired and why.



Treasurer Kennedy responds to reporters' questions after his presentation
 to the LSP Retirement System Board.





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